Chris explains the many reasons he hates Veterans’ day.
Ep 25: My Election Prediction
Chris lays out the most likely election outcome.
Ep 24: Tradeoffs
Chris explores the idea of tradeoffs in decision-making and ideology.
Ep 23: the Hubris of the State
Chris examines the underlying egotism of the State’s supposed management of society.
Ep 22: Democracy. So What?
Chris examines the perspective that democracy is an inherent good.
Ep 21: Why I’m Not a Left-Liberal
Chris gets personal about how he ended up disconnecting from mainstream liberalism.
Ep 20: John McCain is Dead. Good.
Chris tries hard not to revel in the death of another human being.
Ep 19: Recycling Is a Government Created Problem
Chris unpacks the new push to “fix” people’s recycling behavior on the basis China’s new contamination standards.
Ep 18: Freedom is Terrifying
Chris explores the positive side of the post-modern destruction of claims about “reality”.
Ep 17: What Jordan Peterson Gets Wrong About the Left and Right
Chris examines a key blindspot in Jordan Peterson’s question of what is acceptable in the Left/Right debate.